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ASAF President’s New Year Message: Training and Development To Be Key Focus Areas
On Friday, Asian Sailing Federation President Dr Malav Shroff delivered a New Year's message to President's and Secretary General's of all Asian Member National Authorities via e-mail….
First ASAF Youth Sailing Cup (2016 – 17) Series – Esctasy And Despair on Final Day
Racing came to a thrilling climax at Chennai, India as all medals were confirmed in the finale of the first ASAF Youth Sailing Cup 2016 –…
First ASAF Youth Sailing Cup (2016 – 17) Series – Mixed Fortunes On Day Three
It was a good day of racing at the Bay of Bengal with the north-east wind averaging between 8-10 knots that went to a maximum of…
First ASAF Youth Sailing Cup (2016 – 17) Series – Perfect Conditions On Day Two
Day two of the ASAF Youth Sailing Cup at Chennai, India turned out to be a pleasant one with steady northeasterly winds averaging between 8-10 knots…
First ASAF Youth Sailing Cup (2016 – 17) Series – Wet and Wild Day One
It was a dazzling day at the #1 ASAF Youth Sailing Cup 2016-17 as sailors got their feet, and everything else, wet on day one of…
First ASAF Youth Sailing Cup (2016 -17) Series Declared Open
The 2016-17 ASAF Youth Cup has been declared open in a ceremony that focused on tradition and youth in Chennai, India. With the theme of ‘One…